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  • HPC168 3D kaméra counter panumpang otomatis pikeun beus

HPC168 3D kaméra counter panumpang otomatis pikeun beus

HPC168 counter panumpang 

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Please check below short video for our HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera for bus



Our bus counter uses the latest generation of chips, with high calculation accuracy, fast calculation speed, and small error. All the hardware including the processor and the 3D camera are unified together:
1. Simple installation, plug and play, integrate processor and camera together, all in 1 system, installation is very simple.
2. Low cost, equipment cost is much lower than a processor plus camera price of other companies
3. The calculation speed is fast. When a bus has many doors and multiple counters need to be installed, our bus counter is equipped with a separate processor for each door, which means that our company's bus counter calculates and processes The data speed is 2-3 times faster than other passenger counters on the market. In addition, we use the latest chips on the market, and the data calculation speed will be faster.
4. Most passenger counters on the market are generally industrial metal casings, and processors are also metal casings. The combined weight is very heavy. In addition to inconvenient installation, air freight is also very expensive. However, our company's bus counter uses an ABS shell, and the processor and camera are also integrated. The weight is very light, and the weight is a fraction of the weight of other passenger counters, which greatly saves international air freight.
5. Our counter shell adopts an integrated design, the mounting bracket and the camera are perfectly combined, and it supports 180-degree rotation installation. It adopts high-strength ABS to meet the use in vibration environments.
6. Our bus counter adopts a circular arc shape design, which avoids damage to passengers. The connecting lines are all hidden installations. The advantage is that this design is not only beautiful and durable, but also greatly saves labor 


HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera for bus is widely applied in buses, coaches, metros and other public transportation tool passenger automatic counter application field. It possesses high-performance communication media processor with Hisilicon video purpose hardware acceleration engine. Adopted with main development dual-camera depth algorithm model, it conducts dynamic detection on cross-section, height and movement trajectory of the passenger target, and in turn, obtains comparatively high-precision real-time passenger flow data, providing RJ45 or RS485 interface to conduct data interaction and sharing with third-party equipment, which is very convenient for data depth development



More functions of HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera for bus 


1. Gampang masang, nyolok sareng muter, pinuh mertimbangkeun genah tina installer, kami dirancang kaméra cacah Panumpang salaku hiji sadayana dina 1 sistem, sakabeh set pakakas boga ngan hiji bagian hardware, sarta instalasi pisan merenah. Sanajan kitu, pausahaan séjén ngagunakeun sensor tambah processor a, tambah modul lianna, sarta loba jalur nyambungkeun antara aranjeunna diperlukeun, sarta instalasi pisan pajeujeut.         


2. The price of our 3D Automated passenger counter camera is lower. If a bus only installs a passenger counting camera on one door, the cost of our all in 1 system passenger counting camera will be far lower than that of other companies, because the 3D Automatic Passenger Counting Camera pausahaan séjén perlu sensor ditambah hiji Processor mahal lajeng loba kabel.


3. The calculation speed is fast, whether installing a passenger counting camera on one door or installing multiple passenger counting cameras on multiple doors, since each of our passenger counting cameras has a built-in processor, it is equivalent to several brains performing independent calculations at the same time, In this way, our calculation speed is 2-3 times faster than other companies' 3D Automated passenger counter camera calculation speed. In addition, we use the latest chips, and the speed will be far better than that of the other competitors. Generally speaking, the number of vehicles in the bus system is hundreds or even thousands of vehicles, the calculation speed of the passenger counting camera will become a very critical factor for the normal operation of the entire system. 


4.Our 3D Automated passenger counter camera is made of ABS plastic shell, and the Processor is also integrated in the shell, so the total weight is very light, our weight is only one-fifth or even less than other passenger counting cameras on the market, in this case, your Shipping costs will save a lot especially by air. While the sensor of other companies uses a heavy metal casing, the Processor also uses a heavy metal casing. The combination of the two will make the whole equipment heavier, which will lead to very expensive air freight, which will directly lead to the customer's purchase cost, the cost is greatly increased, and the sharp edges and corners of the metal shell will also pose a potential threat to passengers. 


5. The shell of the 3D Automated passenger counter camera is made of high-strength ABS. First, the car can be used normally in the vibration and bumpy environment during driving. Secondly, the shell adopts an integrated design. The bracket used for fixing is uniquely designed and supports 180° degree angle rotation installation, flexible and durable. 


6. Dina raraga nyegah Jalma cacah tina colliding jeung sirah panumpang urang salila nyetir, cangkang kaméra cacah panumpang urang dijieunna tina plastik ABS, sarta penampilan adopts desain arc sirkular. Dina waktos anu sami, sadaya jalur panyambungna disumputkeun. Taya sambungan bisa ditempo ti luar. Éta geulis sareng awét bari ngahindarkeun sengketa anu teu perlu sareng panumpang. 


7. 3D Automated passenger counter camera has a built-in dedicated video hardware acceleration engine, high-performance communication media processor, adopts a self-developed dual-camera 3D depth algorithm model, and dynamically detects the cross-section, height, and movement trajectory of passengers to obtain high-precision real-time passenger flow quantitative data. 


8. 3D Automated passenger counter camera henteu kapangaruhan ku musim sareng cuaca, kalangkang atanapi kalangkang jalma, sareng cahaya luar. Éta otomatis ngaktipkeun lampu tambahan infra red peuting sareng gaduh akurasi pangenal anu sami. Ku alatan éta, éta bisa dipasang di luar atawa di luar mobil. Nyadiakeun leuwih pilihan pikeun kaperluan sabenerna, lamun kudu masang eta ker, Anjeun kudu nambahkeun hiji panutup waterproof. 


9. Our equipment will provide one-way RJ45, one-way RS485 and one-way video output, a complete supporting overall solution, which can be directly connected to the transport platform through the network cable, browse report data through the cloud platform, and also provide private server interface program or secondary development Secondary development of data (we will provide API and Protocol), if you use our "data box", you will be able to quickly deploy an independent report statistics system and TV display system, if you connect a monitor, you will be able to directly view and monitor statistical data and dynamics video images.


10. Panto lawang jeung nutup status Beus mangrupa kaayaan pikeun memicu kaméra cacah panumpang cacah. Nalika panto dibuka, éta bakal ngamimitian cacah, sareng datana bakal diitung sacara real waktos. Nalika panto ditutup, éta bakal eureun cacah.


11. The accuracy of our HPC168 counter henteu kapangaruhan ku jangkungna panumpang, warna pakean, warna rambut, sal topi, jsb; eta oge teu kapangaruhan ku panumpang ngaliwatan samping, meuntas lalulintas, blocking lalulintas; eta moal sababaraha kali cacah objék kayaning suitcases, sarta dina waktos anu sareng Jangkungna target kauninga bisa diwatesan ku software, sarta data husus tina jangkungna dipikahoyong bisa disaring sarta sasari. 


12. Our HPC168 counter has a unique one-click adjustment function, which provides the installer with a convenient debugging method of one-click calibration. After installation, the installer only needs to click a button, HPC168 counter will automatically adjust parameters according to the specific height and actual installation environment which saves a lot of installation and debugging time for the installer.


13. Upami Anjeun gaduh naon pangabutuh ngaropéa, atawa produk urang aya teu bisa minuhan kabutuhan Anjeun, tim teknis kami bakal nyadiakeun Anjeun sareng produk ngaropéa hiji-on-hiji.


Gampang dipasang, ngadukung pamasangan 180 °, adaptasi lingkungan anu kuat

HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera for bus can be adjusted from 0-180 degrees, to meet all passenger car environment Installation requirements. The built-in wiring method enables perfect integration of HPC168 counter and passenger car environment.




HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera for bus adopts integrated design which combines depth camera and calculation main control board, so as to minimize interference factors on camera image information to the lowest level, and possibly to the uttermost decrease construction wiring difficulty level.The one-button debugging mode can quickly complete environmental parameters collection required by HPC168 counter , with no assistance from other equipment terminals.




HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera for bus Live installation 



 HPC168 3D Automated passenger counter camera provides rich data interface:

 1. panganteur jaringan RJ45

Via panganteur RJ45 sarta sambungan counter HPC168, pintonan program alat klien atawa susunan status gawé sarta ngoperasikeun parameter.

Dina waktu nu sarua, counter HPC168 ngirimkeun data aliran panumpang ka server ditunjuk sacara real waktu ngaliwatan panganteur jaringan RJ45.

2. panganteur kaluaran video komposit

Bisa disambungkeun jeung tampilan kandaraan-dipasang pikeun visually mintonkeun hasil cacah panumpang. Ogé tiasa dihubungkeun sareng parékam pidéo anu dipasang kandaraan pikeun ngahémat pidéo dinamis panumpang pikeun asup sareng turun sacara real waktos.

3. panganteur RS485 atawa panganteur RS232

Nyayogikeun RS485 atanapi RS232 saarah pikeun alat pihak katilu pikeun nelepon data, ngarobih laju baud sareng kode ID komunikasi.

4. Sinyal switch panto kandaraan

Bisa nampa 8-36V rentang tegangan wahana panto switch input sinyal. HPC168 counter eureun cacah sakali panto kendaraan ditutup,

Sareng otomatis mimitian cacah nalika panto kendaraan dibuka.


  485                      232                  
      panganteur Network
       Antarbeungeut pidéo

      Vehicle door switch   

    Interface komunikasi                                       RS485


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