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उत्पादन सूची


  • टेलिफोन: + 86-21-52353905
  • फ्याक्स: + 86-21-52353906
  • ईमेल: hy@highlight86.com
  • ठेगाना: कोठा 818१819-820१--२२०, भवन B, सेन्ट NOAH, न। १1759,, Jinshajiang Road, Putuo जिल्ला, शंघाई, चीन।
  • दूध ट्याग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ
  • दूध ट्याग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ

दूध ट्याग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ

विवरण: Large Milk Can Safer

बाहिरी आकार: 144 * 52mm           

भित्री आकार: 125 * 28mm

फ्रिक्वेन्सी: 8.2MHz/58KHz/दुबै 

पैकिंग: P०० पीसी / सीटीएन, १K केजी, ००B सीबीएम 

  • उत्पाद जानकारी


Why need to use दूध can safer

The milk powder stored in the milk can box often has a high selling price.

के'अधिक, the milk can box is more special than the general product packaging,It is cylindrical,

If the milk powder cans are locked in the display cabinet

It is often impossible to bring customers a good experience and purchase products due to insufficient product display.

Highlight milk can safer was developed and designed to solve this problem.

Milk can tag  is a convenient security device designed in the shape of a hat that fits over the top or bottom of a milk can box

And locks the opening firmly to prevent theft.


Milk Can tags are ideal for milk powder cans, sports equipment, and some power tools.

Of course it is very visual theft deterrent.

The milk can tag can be Locked up with a steel core.

स्मार्ट डिजाइनले ग्राहकलाई उत्पादनको मिति प्रयोग गर्न र जाँच गर्न सजिलो बनाउँछ।

विभिन्न क्यानका लागि विभिन्न आयामहरू। अझ के छ, हामीले डिस्पोजेबल मिल ट्याग गर्न पनि डिजाइन गरेका छौं। 


को लाभ EAS milk bottle tag सहित प्रदान गर्नुहोस्: 

* There will be a better shopping experience when customers understand the product, because they can

   Understand the product more intuitively and touch the product, rather than across the प्रदर्शन काउन्टर

* EAS milk can safer provides less occlusion of the product and does not affect many viewing angles of the product.

* The safety of the product is guaranteed, the risk of theft is greatly reduced, and the display and safety

   Of the product are taken into account.

* Easy to use and staff are confident they will be in good condition during the packaging process.

* फिक्स्ड डिस्प्लेको लागि डिस्प्ले सेवाहरू प्रदान गर्नु भन्दा बढी उत्पादनहरू बेच्न बिक्रीमा अधिक ऊर्जा हुनेछ।


को आवेदन MS001 eas milk tag: 

Supermarket, retail store, clothing store, shopping mall, garment store, shoe store, electronic store and etc.



FAQ को लागि milk can safer

1.How to choose the suitable milk can tag?

Firstly, the frequency of EAS milk can tag must be same with that of the EAS alarm antenna at the entrance.

Secondly,The standard milk powder cans on the market have a capacity of 900g,800g 400g,Large capacity,

Choose large size,Choose small size for small capacity

2. Can our logo be printed on magnetic milk can safer?

Yes. Logo printing is available for eas magnetic milk can safer. Just let us know your specific requirements,

जस्तै लोगो साइज, रंग आदि।

3. Is eas milk can safer recyle use?

Yes. milk can safer With AM/RF ferrite inside, eas magnetic milk can safer can be used for long time.

4. How to move milk bottle tag from milk can?

milk bottle tag चुम्बकीय डिटेचर द्वारा खोलिएको छ। सामान्यतया, प्रति क्यासियर डेस्क 1pc चुम्बकीय डिटेचर पर्याप्त छ।

5. What is your MOQ for eas magnetic milk can safer?

चुम्बकीय दूधको लागि MOQ सुरक्षित हुन सक्छ  100 पीसी, एक दफ़्ती बराबर छ। नमूना परीक्षण स्वागत छ।


दूधको लागि कारखाना शो ट्याग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ


थप दूध सुरक्षित गर्नको लागि कृपया तलको फोटोमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस्

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